Comments on: How Torts Lead to Personal Injury Lawsuits – The Causation Element Get the W Mon, 08 Apr 2024 11:39:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Determining Liability After a Car Wreck in Georgia: Yielding to Emergency Vehicles - OCGA 40-6-74 - Wetherington Law Firm Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:36:44 +0000 […] If you’re exploring your options for compensation after an accident or other tragedy, it’s a safe bet you’re facing a daunting set of sudden expenses, from doctor’s bills to transportation to care for your dependents. At the same time, you probably have less money coming in to cover it all, due to lost time at work or even an inability to perform your old job at all. Special damages are intended to counteract these kinds of losses, protect your savings, and make sure you can afford whatever help or replacement possessions you might need. To claim special damages, you’ll need to provide documentation of the expenses you want covered and prove that these expenses were directly or proximately caused by the defendant’s negligence. We can walk you through this process. To learn more about how to prove direct or proximate cause, click here. […]

By: Determining Liability After a Car Wreck in Georgia: Pedestrians on the Highway - OCGA 40-6-96 - Wetherington Law Firm Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:35:58 +0000 […] Car accidents almost always take a heavy financial toll. Medical expenses will usually account for most of your special damages, although damaged property (including your vehicle) and lost wages also qualify for compensation as special damages. To recover special damages, you’ll need to provide documentation of your expenses and prove that they were directly or proximately caused by the negligent pedestrian. The Wetherington Law Firm can help you do this. To learn more about direct and proximate cause, click here. […]

By: Determining Liability After a Car Wreck in Georgia: Illegal U-Turns - OCGA 40-6-121 - Wetherington Law Firm Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:35:12 +0000 […] Even a relatively minor accident can create a serious financial burden. Especially if your family usually lives paycheck to paycheck, a totaled vehicle and a few days away from work can be all it takes to make your bills spiral out of control. If you were seriously injured and needed emergency or extended medical care, those expenses can balloon even more astronomically. To get these costs covered by a special damages settlement, you’ll need to document each expense carefully and then prove how they were directly or proximately caused by the other driver’s bad U-turn. To learn more about direct and proximate cause, and how the Wetherington Law Firm can help you estab…. […]

By: Determining Liability After a Car Wreck in Georgia: Acceptable Lanes for Trucks and Buses - OCGA 40-6-52 and OCGA 40-6-53 - Wetherington Law Firm Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:34:48 +0000 […] The purpose of a personal injury settlement is to compensate you for what you’ve lost and put your life back the way it was, or as close as possible in the real world. The first, simplest step in doing this is to reimburse any financial losses the accident has caused or will cause you. Medical expenses are the most common reason people pursue personal injury cases. Without help, these bills can easily add up to a life-ruining sum, and a fair settlement can stop that from happening. There are other financial losses too, like your totaled vehicle or lost time at work, that special damages can cover. To claim special damages, you’ll need a detailed record of the expenses you’ve incurred or expect to incur, and you’ll need to prove that those expenses were directly or proximately caused by the at-fault driver’s actions. Don’t panic; we’ll walk you through how this works. To learn more about how we help clients prove direct or proximate cause, click here. […]

By: Determining Liability After a Car Wreck in Georgia: Am I Required to Stop After a Wreck? OCGA 40-6-273 and OCGA 40-6-274 - Wetherington Law Firm Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:27:55 +0000 […] The obvious damages that are easiest to tally up in numbers are called special damages. These include your damaged property, your medical bills, and your lost income, if you’ve had to take time off work or pass up lucrative opportunities you would normally have pursued. Even though they’re based on the actual monetary value of what you’ve lost, special damages can still be tricky to calculate and claim for a few reasons. Firstly, your special damages total should include all of your financial losses, present and future, so there’s usually some guesswork to be done, especially if your medical care or you career will be impacted in a long-term way. Secondly, in order to claim special damages, you’ll need to present a thorough record of your expenses, as well as proof that they were caused by the hit-and-run driver’s negligence. The Wetherington Law Firm can help you with all the steps of this process. To learn more about how we help our clients prove direct or proximate cause, click here. […]

By: Determining Liability After a Car Wreck in Georgia: Intoxicated Driving - OCGA 40-6-253 and OCGA 40-6-391 - Wetherington Law Firm Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:26:49 +0000 […] The purpose of a special damages settlement is to put your financial life back to the way it would have been if the accident had never happened. This includes things like paying for your medical expenses, both present and future, replacing your car, and supplementing your income to make up for any missed productivity at work. To make a claim for special damages, you’ll need to keep a careful record of all accident-related expenses, and then prove that these expenses were proximately or directly caused by the intoxicated driver’s actions. To learn about how the Wetherington Law Firm can help you with this, click here. […]

By: Civil Liability and Sex Crimes in Georgia: Sexual Battery - Wetherington Law Firm Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:23:26 +0000 […] If the battery you suffered forced you to leave a job or school program, your lost income and earning potential count as special damages. Your medical expenses also qualify if you were physically injured, received psychotherapy, or need therapy now. A fair special damages settlement should account for the full effect the incident of sexual battery has had or will ever have on your finances. Because of how lasting the effects of sexual violence can be, this number may be challenging to calculate, but the Wetherington Law Firm can help you take a thorough inventory. We’ll also help you prove in court that your expenses were directly or proximately caused by the perpetrator’s battery of you. To learn more about direct and proximate cause, click here. […]

By: Determining Liability After a Car Wreck in Georgia: Use of Electronic Devices - OCGA 40-6-241 - Wetherington Law Firm Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:22:43 +0000 […] A serious traffic accident can take a toll on your family’s financial security, both immediately and over the course of a lifetime. In the short term, you might be facing bills for an ambulance ride or ER visit, the cost of a replacement vehicle, and a light paycheck or two from missing hours at work. In the long term, you might need ongoing medical care, or face reduced earning power and lost career opportunities. An ideal special damages settlement should take all of these expenses, present and future, into account. However, in order to win such a settlement, you’ll need thorough documentation of each expense, proof that the expenses were directly or proximately caused by the distracted driver, and a good lawyer to explain the probable future impact of your injuries. To learn more about direct and proximate cause, and how the Wetherington Law Firm can help with thi…. […]

By: O.C.G.A. 40-6-397 – Aggressive Driving - Wetherington Law Firm Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:21:53 +0000 […] Settlements for personal injuries are divided into “special” and “general” damages. Special damages cover those things that have easily calculable monetary values, such as medical expenses, missed work, or destroyed property. After an accident, it’s important to track every related expense carefully, as you’ll need to provide proof in order to receive compensation. You’ll also need to prove that those expenses were directly or proximately caused by the defendant’s aggressive driving. To learn more about proving direct or proximate cause, click here. […]

By: Approaching and Entering Intersections and Roads under OCGA 40-6-70 - Wetherington Law Firm Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:19:02 +0000 […] Money can buy things like medical care, a replacement vehicle, and food delivery while you’re too injured to shop and cook. It can keep your rent and bills covered while you’re unable to work, and take care of lots of other challenges, big and small, that you’ll likely be facing in the aftermath of a serious accident. That’s what the special damages portion of your settlement is for. To win that settlement, you’ll need documentation of the expenses you need covered. We’ll also work with you to prove that those expenses are the direct or proximate result of the defendant’s negligent actions. To learn more about the difference between direct and proximate cause and how to prove them, click h…. […]
